How to get Instagram sponsorship — Fangage

3 min readAug 31, 2022


So, you have a small but highly engaged audience and want to start earning some extra money? Then you’re in the right place! Every influencer, from micro to macro, wants to get paid for their posts, from micro to macro. And don’t worry; having a smaller audience translates into a higher engagement. This means that you can still get your posts on Instagram sponsored.

Before we move on to the best strategies to attract brands, having your audience on a platform like Fangage means that you will escape social media algorithms, own your fan data, and always be able to reach 100% of your audience. Thus, the earlier you start using Fangage, the more fans you will be able to attract to your website due to your engagement being higher at the beginning of your growth.

What’s a sponsored Instagram post?

Sponsored Instagram posts are content published by the influencer on their own account promoting a brand on their own account in exchange for payment. This payment can be money or a free product/service. Instagram’s popularity allows influencers to take advantage of multiple sponsorship programs.

What’s the average price of sponsored post?

The average cost of a sponsored Instagram post is about $300. However, this number is expected to grow further in the coming years. The following graph from the Influencer Marketing Club presents the increase in the global market size of influencer marketing:

Influencer marketing tends to be more reliable and attractive for brands to spend their money on. More than 75% of brand marketers intend to dedicate a budget to influencer marketing in 2022. Thus, the average price of a sponsored post is expected to grow, which, of course, will depend on the follower count and the engagement rate of the influencer’s account.

How to get Instagram sponsorship as a small account? Can I even do that?

Yes, you can! As we specified earlier in the article, small accounts are pretty much available to get sponsorship on Instagram. Micro-influencers tend to be, in some cases, more valuable to brands than big influencers with millions of followers and low engagement rates.

Why should I use #ad and #sponorship hashtags?

In the past, there was some confusion when the Department store Lord & Taylor settled charges with the FTC in 2016 after paying 50 influencers without hashtagging their posts with #sponsorship or #ad.

In 2017, however, Instagram released a paid partnership feature to combat this issue, where if you tag a brand, the post will be topped with a “paid partnership” label.

Sponsorship on Instagram — a six-step guide.

Okay, enough about the theory. Here’s an overview of the necessary steps that will help you land a paid brand deal and to get Instagram sponsorship:

  1. Define your brand
  2. Include contact information in your bio
  3. Know your audience
  4. Post consistently
  5. Where to find Instagram sponsorship opportunities and how to pitch yourself to brands?
  6. Negotiate & know your worth

If you want a detailed explanation & tips from the steps above, you can read the full article here.

